WISGROUP Management Committee
An Experienced Team Building Tomorrow

The Group management committee is lead the growth of the group and help in setting up its future expansion program. It helps the subsidiary companies in all aspects of management, sales, marketing, or the technical back up services. This group of experienced managers has played a major role in putting in place what Wisgroup is all about today. Committee members have a vast depth of knowledge on all aspects of the marketing and production business Here is a brief on each member of the management committee.


WİSGROUP Chief Executive Officer

Mrs. Aydin Ilgaz is the CEO of WISGroup International and its Co-founder. She has been in the spare part  business for the last 20 years and is considered to be a pioneer in this business worldwide. Her experience includes management, marketing, and a sizeable exposure to all technical matters relating to the industry of Heavy Commercial Vehicle.She continues to be a major contributor to the marketing and product development side of the business within the group. She  MBI management and financial degree from Preston University of USA.